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Escort LingLing-玲玲姐 【1857】 Cover Image
Hot Devil-Figure With Snowy Skin

Name 名字 : LingLing-玲玲姐 【1857】

Age 年龄 : 28 Years Old

Height 身高 : 156cm

Weight 体重 : 47KG

Boobs 胸围 : 36C


Kim Tian Road 金殿路


9782 3801

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您了解正经络抓根按摩吗?您爱爱时有心无力吗?生殖器周围有按压性痛感吗?爱爱不能持久吗?弟弟不够坚挺吗?您小便时需要等待或分叉并伴有尿路疼痛吗?这都是经络损伤或是前列腺问题和尿路不畅通引起的,正宗中医穴位抓跟疗程可以帮助您治疗这些问题。抓根是保健养生,并不是色情!因为真正的抓根是不可以射精(固本培元)。通过按、揉、推、拉、提、捏、拨等手法按摩阴茎、睾丸、会阴穴、下腹部、大腿内侧、淋巴等部位疏通输精管、输尿管与海绵体而且通过特殊手法按摩睾丸还可以使雄性荷尔蒙分泌更加旺盛!打通与唤醒男士生殖系统周围的经络、穴位 和韧带,提升男士性功能 ,使生殖器周围血液循环更加畅通、打通经络穴位,是真正的治疗与保养!如果按疗程治疗可以增大增粗 增硬!可缓解阳痿早泄、勃起无力等症状。






Comments Are Subject To Individuals (Escort Herself Can Also Post Comment)
评论仅代表个人意见 (女孩本人也可能发布评论)

2025-1-3 Gniad Says:

I promise, I will write a review only after the symptoms are completely healed. Here is the thing: I had some pain near my abdomen and private parts due to wrong prostate treatment technique. So I signed up for the prostate treatment package. It was a nightmare. She poked the butt. It was painful for me. After about 4 sessions, miraculously, I was completely healed. Now, no more pain. All symptoms are gone.

The prostate treatment was performed by Ling Ling Jie herself.

Thanks Ling Ling Jie.

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2024-12-23 L傲虎 Says:

Professional treatment service. No nonsense. No lies. No false claims. The therapist carefully explained the male health care instructions. The right and wrong PCC methods.

During the whole process, I experienced some reactions. In addition, there were some urges to release but held back. This is a normal reaction. I totally recommend every man to experience it. The therapist has good authentic juagen technology, good service attitude. It is a clean place built for all men.

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2024-11-28 Ognat Says:

Coco at Kim Tian is excellent with skills. Able to boost your endurance and sure to worth every dollars spent. Will return for more.

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2024-11-24 Kaniu Says:

Great juagen massage I am back for my maintenance program. All I can say is very skillful and experience in this area. Strongly recommend the rest to have a go at her service.

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2024-11-20 李泽 Says:

Dragon tendon massage is not masturbation, nor does it provide sexual services. It promotes blood circulation in organs, expel the old and take in the new, and smooth the meridians by massaging the waist, abdomen, kidneys, perineum, scrotum and other parts, and pressing the Guanyuan, Zhongji, Qugu and other acupoints, thereby promoting the good operation of male physiological functions. Make me more powerful and majestic

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2024-11-20 Belaa Says:

The technician told me that grabbing the dragon tendon can stimulate the blood circulation system, transfer energy to various organs of the body, help expel waste accumulated in the reproductive system, relieve back pain, strengthen the reproductive system from the inside out, and relieve blood clots and urination problems.
My feelings after finishing: If you want to experience the feeling of ascension, there are two ways, one is to go bungee jumping, and the other is to grab the dragon tendon. People who have experienced grabbing the dragon tendon once usually go for a second time.
When you spread your legs and show the most private parts of your body to a strange technician naked, you will understand that grabbing the dragon tendon is actually about trust.
The whole experience can only be understood but not described. Those who have tried it know that there are many benefits.

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